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Cloud storage: CERNBox and EOS


CERNBox is the CERN service to store, share and synchronise data across multiple devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops) and multiple users.

In SWAN, CERNBox is your home directory. It is the space where you can store your files, including notebooks, and share them with other colleagues. Prior to using SWAN, you need to create your CERNBox by logging in to this page with your CERN credentials at least once.

All your CERNBox files are accessible from SWAN. Moreover, if you install the CERNBox client on your machine, the files that you create in your local CERNBox will be automatically synchronized and visible in SWAN, and viceversa.


EOS is CERN's mass storage system, on top of which CERNBox is implemented. It is the place were the data of the LHC experiments are stored to be analyzed later.

SWAN gives access to several EOS repositories under the /eos/ path, namely experiment, fcc, hepdata, opendata, project and user.